Russian Federation
Russian Federation
For more than a decade in our country, the public, in the process of joint activities with law enforce-ment officers, has been actively supporting the work to combat crime. In turn, the provision of assis-tance by the population to employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia through the joint protection of public order has a positive effect on the implementation of the foundations of state poli-cy in the field of legal awareness of the population. Therefore, in this scientific work, the object of study was the legal regulation of the interaction between employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and citizens in the field of law enforcement and security. In the process of work, the author used general scientific and private scientific methods of research. He proposed an analysis of the le-gal support for the interaction of departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia with public associations and citizens. The author comes to the conclusion that in order to continue to effectively continue the work under consideration, the subjects of the work under consideration should clearly define the forms of interaction for the protection of public order in the served territories. It is also im-portant to prepare and send recommendations on the law enforcement activities of the police de-partment and public associations to the localities, taking into account local conditions and character-istics. And most importantly, today there is a need for regular monitoring of the legal framework gov-erning the interaction of internal affairs bodies and representatives of civil society in the work to combat crime. Such an approach, according to the author, will provide even greater interest and consistency in the work of the police department and public associations of citizens of various orien-tations. The scientific novelty of the study is determined by the analysis of the legal framework for the in-teraction of internal affairs bodies and society in the fight against crime and measures to improve this work. The practical significance of the work lies in the fact that its content can be used for classes in the system of professional training of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.
internal affairs bodies, civil society, public order, rule-making, legal regulation, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, security, law and order, legality, crime prevention, people's squad, the fight against crime, public safety
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