Russian Federation
Moscow, Russian Federation
Main topic of this article is an issue of the illegal migration in Russia, as well as some legal methods of its prevention. The authors analyzed the literature sources related to the topic of the study, the re-sults of which outlined a number of topical aspects that determine the need for legal regulation of the status of migrants in Russia. At the same time, the issue of the emergence and development of measures to counteract illegal migration has been studied, and the main directions chosen by states in the implementation of migration policy have been described. The article also presents different points of view of government officials and scientists, demonstrating the commonality of their views on migration as a global problem in the context of the country's state security and the development of interethnic relations. Special attention in the study is paid to preventive measures to influence migra-tion processes, including measures to block and eliminate Internet resources that provide illegal ser-vices to foreign citizens in the field of migration
law, crime, state, migration, migrant, citizen, legal status of a migrant, improvement of legislation, prevention of illegal migration, illegal labor activity
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