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Abstract (English):
The main direction of the state is that the state is not able to abandon the measures of state coercion against minors, but, nevertheless, takes into account the characteristics of this age category. Investi-gating the criminal liability of minors, most often it is considered as a legal relationship between sub-jects of law, regulated by the norms of criminal law. The process of realization of this kind of respon-sibility takes place within the framework of legal relations between subjects. In this variant, responsi-bility cannot be identical with legal relations in its content, since one of the subjects, in this case a minor, is forced to undergo restrictions for an action that he committed in the past. The determining factor is that responsibility is dominated by the concept of the fact itself or the ac-tual action aimed at the implementation of the suffering of these deprivations, which are contained in the criminal law, that is, they are not limited only to the obligation to suffer such facts. Thus, we can talk about criminal liability as the responsibility of a minor from the moment the court decision enters into legal force, namely, from the moment the verdict comes into force.

minor, legal relationship, subjects, criminal liability, purpose
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