VAC 5.1.2 Публично-правовые (государственно-правовые) науки
UDK 34 Право. Юридические науки
World practice shows that terrorism and extremism, attacks on government institutions and govern-ment officials, riots and pogroms, sabotage and sabotage can take place in both leading and devel-oping countries of the world. Special state and law enforcement agencies have to act under extreme-ly dangerous conditions and conditions. The article examines the place of social emergencies in the mechanism of administrative and legal regulation of the activities of internal affairs bodies. The conclusion is made that the considered emergencies act as a legal fact in the form of illegal acts with an increased degree of public danger, giving rise to specific administrative legal relations that develop in the sphere of implementation by internal affairs bodies of state authority, which are not typical for everyday law enforcement activities. The criteria that distinguish social emergencies from everyday criminal situations are analyzed, and the author's definition of a social emergency is also given.
social contradiction, conflict, public danger, acts, crimes, emergency, specific powers, preventive measures, special units
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