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Abstract (English):
In this article, the author has undertaken a study of the content of the concepts of deprivation of citizenship, termination of citizenship and cancellation of decisions on admission to citizenship. The purpose of the article is to compare the scope and content of these terms, to draw conclusions about the possibility of using them in legislation and in practice. The main method used in this work is the general scientific method of comparison, which consisted in comparing the editions of legal norms in the legislation on citizenship in different periods at the present stage of develop-ment of the Russian state. In addition, such general scientific methods of scientific cognition as de-duction, analysis and synthesis, private scientific methods: historical and axiological, special: formal legal and the method of legal hermeneutics were used. The author concludes that it is impossible to identify the concepts under study, the need to give a clear definition of the cancellation of decisions on admission to citizenship, the preference in some cases for using this term instead of the concept of termination of citizenship, the need to take into account the positions of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation on the possibility of canceling decisions on admission to citizenship only when providing such false information that influenced the decision this decision, on the need to con-sider all issues of cancellation of decisions on admission to citizenship and termination of citizenship exclusively in court and the inadmissibility of the actual deprivation of citizenship of persons who have become Russian citizens by way of recognition.

citizenship, deprivation of citizenship, termination of citizenship, cancellation of decisions on admis-sion to citizenship, provision of deliberately false information, the law on citizenship, the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation
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