Moscow, Russian Federation
moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
VAC 5.1.2 Публично-правовые (государственно-правовые) науки
UDK 34 Право. Юридические науки
The article deals with the issues of legal regulation of the official activities of employees of juvenile affairs units. The author emphasizes that the legal regulation of official activity plays an important role in pre-venting the commission of offenses and crimes by minors. Attention is drawn to the rights and obligations of employees of juvenile affairs units. In addition, the regulatory legal framework is considered in detail, thanks to which it is possible to carry out preventive measures and effective preventive measures in order to prevent minors from violating the legislation of the Russian Federation
employees of juvenile affairs units, legal regulation, minors, crimes, offenses, prevention.
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3. Malyushina Yu.A., Fedorova O.B. Psihologicheskie aspekty sostava prestupleniya i klassifikaciya nesovershennoletnih pravonarushiteley // Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta MVD Rossii. 2021. № 2.
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6. Nevskiy S.A., Cherkasov R.V., Yakovlev O.V. Izuchenie obschestvennogo mneniya o deyatel'nosti policii Rossiyskoy Federacii (organizaciya monitoringa i ego rezul'taty) // Nauchnyy portal MVD Rossii. 2023. № 2 (62).