Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Today, the efforts of international terrorists are aimed not only at intimidating society, but also at de-stroying as many ordinary citizens as possible who turned out to be accidental participants in the tragic events taking place. In this regard, the issues of developing measures related to ensuring anti-terrorist security in relation to more unprotected and vulnerable objects with large numbers of people exposed to terrorist threats are of particular relevance. Attacks on them occur without thorough preparation, thereby providing a significant advantage to terrorists. Such terrorist attacks are difficult to predict and prevent. In order to counter modern threats of international terrorism in relation to more unprotected and vulnerable objects, a set of special measures aimed at minimizing potential terrorist threats is important. In the process of research, the author notes that in a comprehensive assessment of the analyzed terrorist threats and risks, it is necessary to determine the factors con-tributing to the emergence of such risks, and also strive to develop actions to prevent terrorist attacks or minimize their consequences. Determining specific measures aimed at ensuring anti-terrorist se-curity of the objects in question could be facilitated by their categorization and certification. In con-clusion, the author draws conclusions that in order to protect facilities most exposed to the risk of ter-rorist threats, a special role should be played by the improvement of proactive countermeasures, which must be grouped around the main areas: identifying these threats; development of public-private cooperation in the area under consideration; carrying out preventive work with society; an integrated approach based on high-quality security, effective access control and competent leadership, etc. In particular, the emphasis is placed on the fact that anti-terrorist security requires constant new original solutions to the problem associated with the protection of vulnerable objects and targets. Therefore, when assessing the anti-terrorist security of each vulnerable object and target, individual approaches are required. At the same time, the author especially notes the importance of continuing research into the characteristics of modern international terrorism in order to prepare a comprehensive, scientifically based approach to creating an anti-terrorism system for the protection of potential vulnerable objects and targets

terrorist threats, features of modern terror, international terrorism, targets of terrorist attacks, terrorist organizations, countering terrorism, law enforcement, minimizing terrorist threats, preventive work, fighting crime
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