The article analyzes the provisions of Federal Law No. 10-FZ dated February 6, 2023 “On Probation in the Russian Federation" in the context of the definition of "restoration of social ties". Based on the analysis of the scientific works of Russian penitentiary scientists, the authors come to the conclusion about the concept and types of social ties, which employees of institutions of the penitentiary system should assist in restoring and strengthening, as well as the concept of the process of restoring these ties. The statistical data of a survey of citizens of the Russian Federation on trust in general and per-sons sentenced to imprisonment in particular are presented. The reasons for the rupture of socially useful ties on the part of convicts, as well as relatives and other close persons are indicated. The problems of a legal and organizational nature that arise during the restoration of socially useful ties within the framework of probation are also noted.
probation; penitentiary probation; executive probation; post-penitentiary probation; social connections; socially useful connections; relatives; persons who have a positive impact on the convict
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