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Abstract (English):
. This work continues a series of studies devoted to volost places of isolation of offenders in Russia, who, in their subordination and organization, depended on the local society of the lip, settlement or volost. In the early days of their existence, such institutions were called: cell, dungeon, cold, labial hut, but not prison. Prison, such premises began to be called only after the unification of legislation in the 17th century. It is worth noting that the provincial or volost isolation institutions were organized at the will of the volost society to protect the rights of the authorities and ordinary people from encroachment: as resi-dents of the volost who violated the law or custom, as well as fugitive and dashing people who were able to be detained on the territory of the volost. Due to legal regulations, the entire prison population can be divided into two groups. The first is temporary prisoners from among the ordinary people who either huddled in prison of their own free will or ordinary people who had committed a crime in accordance with the law or cus-tom. The term of imprisonment for such prisoners varied from one day to several months. It was this large group of inmates who maintained contact with relatives who helped the inmate survive his time in prison and return to his family. The second group was represented by temporary prisoners who were detained on the land of the volost for crimes or escaping from the owner, as well as those who managed to escape from places of detention. According to the decree, such prisoners were to be sent to the county prison within 30 days. The first and second groups of inmates, by the will of fate, to organize life, were united into a prison community, which was organized according to folk custom with the choice of the headman and other representatives of the administration. The strongest and smartest were elected to the el-ders. Based on the analysis of legal acts, it can be argued that the prison community was not only a recognized initiative on the part of the inmates, which arose on the artel basis of peasant self-government, but was also recognized and encouraged by state bodies and the royal persons them-selves. The Russian average person's attraction to the community was determined by the living condi-tions in prison. Life, traditions and holidays brought up in every member of the community the under-standing that he was part of society, without which his life could not be imagined. And when a mem-ber of the community went to prison, he had an urgent need to feel himself in his familiar environment - the community. In general, the prison community is a historically established community of people that arose ac-cording to custom, but subsequently received recognition from government officials, which was en-shrined in regulations.

prison, parish, community, inmates, custom
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