Russian Federation
UDK 34 Право. Юридические науки
Persons who commit criminal behavior are able to realize the scale and social danger of the negative consequences resulting from their actions. The current criminal procedure legislation establishes in this case the possibility of filing an application for surrender. Despite the fact that this institution has been used for a long time in Russian and foreign investigative and judicial practice, there are still many discussions regarding the theoretical and legal understanding of surrender. The purpose of this study is to study the institution of surrender, to identify existing problems of legal regulation , determining ways to solve them. The author comes to the conclusion that at present there are a num-ber of problems in the organization and implementation of the surrender, arising from the lack of uni-fied legal approaches to this institution, as well as the presence of certain legal gaps in the current criminal procedure legislation. Attention is focused on the need to comprehensively ensure the right to protection of persons who have expressed a desire to submit an application for surrender, which will positively affect the procedural practice. Based on the study, a proposal was formulated to supplement Art. 142 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation with a provision on the mandatory participation of a defense counsel when filing an application for surrender of certain categories of persons who commit unlawful behavior.
trace, criminal proceedings, confession, voluntary reporting, evidentiary value of confession, Russian criminal procedure legislation
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