from 01.01.2021 until now
Mytyshi, Moscow, Russian Federation
In the modern world, information and communication technologies are widely used in almost all areas of human activity. In legal proceedings, the introduction of information technology began in the 80s, and today electronic justice has already been created. In the Russian Federation, this opportunity appeared on January 1, 2017; over five years, quite a lot of work by domestic and foreign scientists has been devoted to it. However, despite a significant amount of research on the topic of e-justice, not all aspects of this problem are sufficiently developed. It is necessary to pay serious attention to the analysis of modern problems in the development of electronic justice and the prospects for its improvement in the Russian Federation. Thus, at present, electronic justice is just beginning its development. New services are appearing in Russia and abroad, the purpose of which is to simplify the legal process and solve emerging problems that affect the development of electronic justice. The presence of problems in the use of electronic justice and the lack of sufficient information in this area determine the relevance of the topic considered in the work.
justice, electronic justice, electronic documents, legal proceedings
1. Romanenkova S.V. Ponyatie elektronnogo pravosudiya, ego genezis i vnedrenie v pravoprimenitel'nuyu praktiku zarubezhnyh stran // Arbitrazhnyy i grazhdanskiy process. 2013. № 4.
2. Teleshina N.N. Realizaciya elektronnogo pravosudiya v Rossii (na primere Arbitrazhnogo suda Vladimirskoy oblasti) // Arbitrazhnyy i grazhdanskiy process. 2014. № 6.
3. Sidorov Yu.V. Otlichiya v ponimanii suschnosti elektronnogo pravosudiya v Rossii i za rubezhom // Uchenye zapiski Petrozavodskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. 2015. № 5. S. 110-119
4. Gesetz über die Verwendung elektronischer Kommunikationsformen in der Justiz (Jus-tizkommu- nikationsgesetz - JkomG) v. 22.03.2005 // BGBl. 2005. I. Nr. 18. S. 837.
5. Proskuryakova M.I. Elektronnoe pravosudie v Germanii: aktual'noe sostoyanie i perspektivy razvitiya // Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo universiteta. Pravo. 2018. № 3.
6. Prizhennikova A.N. Osuschestvlenie pravosudiya v usloviyah informatizacii i cifrovizacii // Obrazovanie i pravo. 2020. № 9.
7. Popova E.S. Problemy i perspektivy razvitiya elektronnogo pravosudiya // Aktual'nye voprosy yuridicheskih nauk: materialy V mezhdunar. nauch. konf., 2019.