Russian Federation
VAC 5.1.2 Публично-правовые (государственно-правовые) науки
UDK 34 Право. Юридические науки
The article discusses the results of the work of the police patrol units and escort squads. It was determined that the positive results of operational activities include a reduction in illegal acts at transport facilities, which was facilitated by the effective preventive work of the police patrol service and escort squads. Negative performance indicators include lack of initiative on the part of employ-ees in identifying and solving crimes, lack of action on the part of management to stimulate person-nel. Based on the analysis, proposals were made to improve the activities of these units of the inter-nal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation in transport.
internal affairs bodies in transport, police patrol service, escort squads, National Guard, crime prevention, transport crimes, drug trafficking, rolling stock.
1. Sekushina I.A. Modernizaciya transportnoy infrastruktury RF: promezhutochnye itogi i novye vyzovy // Izvestiya DVFU. Ekonomika i upravlenie. 2022. № 4.