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Abstract (English):
Recently, there have been more frequent cases of ATM explosions on the territory of the Russian Federation for the subsequent theft of funds from them. For explosions, both improvised explosive devices based on condensed explosives and cylinders filled with flammable gases are used, the mechanism of trace formation of which differs significantly. The definition and analysis of the features of ATM explosions are largely due to the need to form an information model consisting of interrelated elements and events that represent a mechanism for committing a crime. The article reflects the re-sults of research, generalization and systematization of investigative and judicial practice in the investigation of ATM explosions, reveals the goals and main stages of the mechanism of ATM explosions for the subsequent theft of funds from them. Recommendations are given on how to work at the scene and tactics of investigating ATM explosions at the initial stage of the investigation.

forensic science, explosive expertise, explosion, volumetric explosion, crime mechanism, conceal-ment of traces of crime, explosives, fuel -air mixture, gas -air mixture.
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