UDK 34 Право. Юридические науки
Introduction. The issues of ensuring economic security in the priority area of economic activity for the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia – in the national road sector - are considered. Some elements of the operational situation are highlighted. The most common ways of committing crimes are identified, as well as officials who are most susceptible to criminal enrichment are named. Methods. A systematic analysis of the data of the GIAC of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia on the registration of crimes in the construction sector was carried out, data on road management were separately highlighted. Examples and data from the survey of respondents, the study of opera-tional and official materials are given. Conclusion and offers. The National Road infrastructure fulfills an extremely important socio-economic task. Almost all other areas of the country's economy depend on its condition. She needs criminal law and operational investigative protection.
road management, operational situation, economic security, state of crime, methods of committing crimes in the field of road management, corruption crimes, statistical reporting
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