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Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to an urgent topic related to the study of patterns inherent in such an element of the organization of the service of district police officers as the reception of an administrative precinct. The formation of the personnel potential of the service of district commissioners is logically in-tegrated into the process of introducing qualified police officers to perform official tasks in a certain part of the territory of the municipality. The study highlights the problematic aspects of the administrative and legal regulation of the reception of administrative sites previously served by precinct po-lice commissioners, as well as newly formed administrative sites, the elimination of which will allow the subjects responsible for the transfer and reception of administrative sites by precinct police commissioners to adapt reasonably and methodologically consistently to modern social challenges. Thus, to increase the effectiveness of organizational support for.

the district commissioner of the police, the administrative area, the territory of the municipality, the city district, the operational situation, preventive work, the personnel reserve
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